Friday, July 06, 2007


This is the approach of Osram in Mexico for CSR, it is mainly a huge marketing campaing, where they developed a pink lamp (low energy consumption), which sells (10%) will go to hospitals to cover the treatment of the Human papillomavirus that produces the cervical cancer (very common in Mexico).

As part of their campaing they illuminated some of the major buildings in Mexico City (Televisa was one of them!), and they even made a campaign in one of the most popular soapoperas "Destilando Amor" the Mexican version of "cafe con aroma de mujer", only that instead of Coffee this one is about Tequila... well, no comments

Although I don't feel very comfortable about Marketing for sustainability (doing good things because it is the trend, and to show it to people), I did liked the pink content, I did buy a pink lamp, and I went to see the illumination of some of these buildings.. maybe it has something to do with the fact of my boyfriend being working for this company... :)

Some pics of Palacio de Bellas Artes:


Filipe said...

Hum... these mexican... i will never understand and/or agree with their way to do CSR...

Anyways. Now, in portuguese, so Mario can't understand it.

putaqueopariu! Que merda fizeram com o Palácio de bellas artes! "coloriram" o prédio de rosa... DE ROSA!!! ficou toscão, hein? hhahaha

Hey, Mario, how are you? Long time, uh? Ah, and if you are reading this, you should know i love your company, you know? :P

Cheers, Johy. Te quiero!

Johanna said...

el gran Felipe!!! baby relax, it was pink only for one day... now it is back to normal Osram illumination... hehe

luv you too...